Reviewer Guidelines

Reviewers are selected by the editors who have a thorough understanding of their respective subjects. Mostly editors are selected based on the research area of the article submitted to the ARTA open access publishing. Reviewers are solely responsible for verifying the authenticity of the submitted article through their peer-review process.

Reviewers check the quality and accuracy of the work done by the authors. Reviewers have to submit the review comments online in order to secure the publication process and make the content available online. Reviewer aims to submit the review report in time to secure the publication process.

Reviews of articles should follow these guidelines:

Reviewer should provide written comments and unbiased feedback

If a reviewer accepts to review the article then the reviewer should send their acceptance to the editor.

Reviewer should send the review comments within the provided time frame.

If the assigned article doesn’t meet the quality of work to be published then this has to be communicated to the editor.

Reviewer should contact the editor in case for the clarity of data’s, figures, tables or contents.

Ensure content accuracy and clarity 

Avoid personal & financial conflicts

Maintain confidentiality and transparency

Reviewer should notify the editor in case there is any delays in reviewing the article.

Follow the instructions sent by the editors

Recommend the ways to improve and enhance the author’s article

Uphold ethical reviewing practices: confidentiality, competency, impartiality and integrity of the article.

If you are interested in joining as a reviewer for our journals, kindly email us your CV along with the statement of interest to and the Journal Team will reply to you within 48 hours